Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nocturnal instincts create stubbornness of staying up and typing another post

When you meet someone for the first time do you spend time after that wondering what sort of impression you made? What if I talked too much? What if I talked to little? What if the things I said were weird? What if I had odd habits that I don't even know about? What if I sounded stupid? What if I was an extreme bore? What if I came off as too self centered? What if I spoke too loud? What if this and that?

They say... you never get a 2nd chance to make a good first impression.

Damn scary. I was intimidated. I still am.


Hi I'm Jaziel said...

after my work for two days. only, I don't really give a care about my first impression anymore. it's who we are that matters.

Amirul B Ruslan said...

Sometimes, I often worry instead, "What if I appear to be thinking each step through too much?"

Oh, what do I care, I'm Mr. Handsome. :P