Saturday, August 30, 2008

I think I'll indulge in my cravings

I want to eat meat.

Hostel only has curry meat.

And they are sometimes sour.

I need better food.


Yeah, when you are deprived of things, you will also start writing in fragments. I am so sick of my syllabus I impulsively eat my oranges, like four in one go. I have almost finished the whole pack of oranges. Guess that's a lot of vitamin c in me. Ascorbic acid is the scientific term for vitamin C. Did you know that one of its functions is as a preservative? So when junk food proclaims that it contains vitamin C, it does not make it less of a junk food because it is simply a preservative to keep the food from spoilage.

I wonder what causes the constant feeling of tiredness even after a whole night's worth of sleep.

I think my body just dreads another day of study. Shouldn't be bumming around online.

Very. damn. tired.

Wanna go back to bed :(

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