When you hurl hurtful words at me...
I try to understand your point of view.
When you act like you don't care...
I try to think about how you are feeling. Why you are feeling the way you do.
When you feel unwell...
I send you a message hoping you get better soon.
When you feel like you aren't appreciated...
I try to explain to you that you are.
When you ignore me...
I try to understand you need some space.
When you say you love me...
I don't hesitate before saying it back.
When people say things about you that aren't nice...
I defend you and say that it's not the way it seems.
When you look at me and say nothing means anything...
I tell you to me, we had something special.
When you feel like it, you look for me...
And I will always answer you.
When you feel like you want to avoid me...
I have to try and understand it.
When you tell me you want to break up again...
I'm just too tired to talk anymore. I'm just to tired to try anymore.
You say that for me, my feelings of feeling wanted and special is more important than your health. That is not true. Your health is important. I want you to be well. I want you to be happy.
But as important as you are to me, as important are my feelings of not being neglected and unwanted.
What about me?
My mental and emotional well being is as important as an hour of your sleep. So I overlooked the time a little, and because of that, you want to break. You suddenly say look at the clock and hurl vicious words at me. A few moments ago you were talking about us like we were still together. You were looking at me the way you always did. Did you think about what the sudden change in attitude would do to me? Did you think about how hurtful it is? Your sleep is important, I agree. Did you ask me if my sleep was important? Did you know what I meant to do yesterday night? Did you ask what I needed to complete today? Before I talked to you, I even asked you if you were ready to hear from me.
What about me?
Did you think about how I feel? Did you think about the pain you caused me in these few weeks? Did you think about the strength it took to not lash out, to not be angry, to understand your point of view, to try to look at it from a 3rd person's perspective. Did you think about how much it takes to get over the feeling that someone you love would rather abandon you because they like the prospect of their life better without you? Did you think about how much it took to just look past us and enjoy the other bits in life? Did you think it was easy for me? Did you think about my feelings? Everything is more important than my feelings, aren't they? I put YOUR feelings above mine. When I talk to you, I put on a happy face even though it's the only thing that is ripping me apart. Why? Because I don't want you to feel bad, I don't want you to feel guilty. I want you to feel alright by telling you I'm ok. I put aside my pride because I thought that the relationship was worth something precious. I thought about us. You thought about you.
What about me?
You are angry. Did you ever think, maybe I am angry as well? Do I deserve to be treated this way? Would you treat me this way last time? You aren't the same person I fell in love with. The guy I fell in love with would always take me in his arms when I make a mistake and tell me that it's alright and he still loves me. The guy I fell in love with would rack his brains to cheer me up when I felt down. The guy I fell in love with was happy when he saw me. The guy I fell in love with would do anything to see me smile. The guy I fell in love with told me nothing beats the feeling of being in a relationship. The guy I fell in love with made me feel special, wanted, appreciated, loved. I was important to the guy I fell in love with. Why should I stay where I'm not wanted?
You give me silent treatment when you feel like it. Now I want my own space too. I want to take care of myself. My emotional well being is important to me. I don't want to hear anything right now. I have no space and no emotional capacity to understand anymore. I am busy, too busy to keep being so understanding and neglectful of my own mental and emotional health.
I try very hard to be giving, to be loving, to understand what happened, to understand how you feel, to try to give you all the space you need to figure out if "us" still means anything to you. I do so because I believe in us. I believed you from the way you look at me when we are both happy. I believed in us from the times that we shared together. I look past the current arguments, the current emotions.
But, what about me? Where does it leave me?
I'm tired of thinking about you. What about me? Why do I have to subject myself to this emotional torture? I am taking a vacation from this issue. I am going to go and appreciate myself, since I am not appreciated here. I try to tell you that all I want is what you gave me, not what you need to burden yourself with doing. But you don't understand. You don't understand that all I want was to feel like before. You take me as a chore now, and I am not staying here as a chore. I'm tired of thinking the best of you. I'm tired of guessing and trying to understand you. There are more important things to handle at the moment, and for once
Let me think about ME for once.
What about me?
You keep thinking about all the things I didn't do right. Did you ever stop to think of the opposite? Did you try to think the best of me the way I still try to think the best of you? Do you not think it is tiring for me to keep thinking the best of you when you think the worst of me? Do I deserve to be thought of and treated like this?
I try to be understanding and caring, and sometimes I don't always hit the right mark, or sometimes it is misintepreted. But do I deserve to be punished even with the effort?
What about me? Tell me, what about me?