Sunday, November 30, 2008


Do you have a purpose?

Do you have a dream?

Do you have a reason?

Or have they all become past tense?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Drosophila DEAD

Apparently, I didn't put enough yeast, and my Drosphila offspring starved to death. I was supposed to kill them, but they died on me. lol. It was awfully hard to take the dead flies out, as many of them were stuck to the agar medium. I had to scoop them up with the agar, and it was all sticky and difficult to separate. Furthermore, my Drosophilla were undersized. Guess they were malnutritioned. Who was that who told me, just a little yeast will do the job?!

Nevertheless, all I had to do was to count the number or males and females, so no essential data was lost.

Someone seemed to have changed a little. It's becoming quite nice being around this changed person. Thumbs up!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We are only 0.1 % different

Our beloved K4 tutorial group. We may have changed in name, and we may be all different people of different personalities but no matter what, we are only 0.1 % different as all of us share 99.9% of the same DNA. Thumbs up to Nan En, former K4 who suggested this slogan as we were studying forensic biology in our final semester of the diploma year. Now in our third year (year one Advanced Dip), we wore the t-shirts we custom made, and took photos outside the library while waiting, and also after taking the official course/group photos.

How we have grown since year one sem one. I am indeed proud to be part of such an amazing group. I have found the greatest bunch of friends here. Love you guys!! =D

Bi Hun, Pay Jing, Leaf, Syn Dee, Hui Lu, Shi Wenn, Me, Tracey
Candid shot before the photo taking
We are united!
Haha, Tracey, the sun too strong for your delicate eyes? :P
Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No... its..... super K4-ians!!!! Ok, fine so we are in A3 now. But once a K4-ian, always a K4-ian. =D

Monday, November 24, 2008


Ever held on so tightly only to realise that there is nothing left in your hands? Like wisps of ghostly mist, gone, leaving only a lingering trace of memory. It's like how the scent of a scented candles stays even after its spent out, but we all know that after the flame dies out, soon the scent will too.

As I wrote, I was asked why? And I brushed it off. But I know there is more beyond the words. Read between the lines. It was true. All that was true. Words don't die over time. Guess I just wanted a moment of that smile. Even if I can't see it, I knew its there. Even if its just a typed smile, I know its mirrors the real one. For a moment attention, for a moment a rush of warmth, for a moment a thought. Just for a moment. Thank you for giving me that. =) Thank you for letting me know.

I've gotten the moment. Now it's back to living my life as I know it.

Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins, I was told by a friend once.

Leave, you deadly sin. LEAVE. Don't come creeping up on me when I am at all smiles.

Drosophila species day 6

They successfully had sex and produced larvae. All systems go, reproductive tracts all worked, offspring successfully bred. This is what I have in my room right now:

Disgusting. Wormy creepy crawly maggoty larvae.

They're forming pupae on the walls right now. Pretty soon I'll have new flies to kill.

I'm supposed to set the parents free, but it looks like they died. Oh well.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Make a smile to have a smile

When you do something nice for someone, and you know it's appreciated, it's such a warm feeling. Suddenly everything seems so right again. I think it's therapeutic to do something for someone once in awhile. It just takes awhile to be thoughtful, and it is so worth it.

I know I have great friends around me. Maybe it's time you all know how much I appreciate you.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Emotional baggage

Psychology manifests itself physiologically. When words are powerful enough, they numb your senses and you can literally feel the tingles to the tip of your fingers and radiating through your chest, and an automated reflex of excess eye lubricant. When you make a choice, you make a choice. Yet, when you see where your choice takes you to, you feel like you don't want to live with the consequence of change. However, when you think back, you know that you wouldn't have made any other choice. Yet in hurting you hurt too. If only things were not so complicated.

Lately random people have been randomly wonderful. Thank you. Maybe I don't deserve those compliments, but they make me feel all warm inside nevertheless. Thanks, I appreciate it.

There are some things that I cannot understand. I only wish someone will help me see things clearly. Obviously I am not in the right direction right now. If only I didn't have such a hard time reading maps. Guess a lousy sense of direction perpetuates in more ways than just the literal sense.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Drosophila species

Drosophila sp. are fruit flies, and I am currently breeding them in my room. Yes, the place where I eat and sleep and do my homework, I am breeding flies. I have two males and two females, which are hopefully not sterile. Males have a darker posterior than females. We knocked them unconscious with ester, in order to transfer a few into vials.

In a few days i hope to see creepy crawly larvae. Once I get the offspring, the parents will be set free, while the offspring will be KILLED when they turn to adult flies, so that we can see if it is 50% male and 50% female.

Cruel bio students aren't we? hmmm

Of all the subjects we have this semester, genetics is the most interesting =)

CB Nite

CB Nite was on the 2nd November (it's supposed to be 11 not 1, didn't realise the camera was wrongly dated). It was held at Dynasty Hotel, Titiwangsa. It was mostly for the ABC2 seniors, but a few of us ACB1 students joined in.

The masks were very pretty. Mine's the black one in the middle.ACB1Hui Ping and I
With Jordan and our two seniors
Shi Wenn and I
Mui Yee and I

Mei Ling, me, Jordan and Hui Ping
With Ms Chia and Dr Loke
5 ACB1 girls =)
ABC1 students
with Ms Chia, Mr Leong and Dr Loke

Monday, November 17, 2008

The rising moon

Have you ever noticed how much larger the moon is just as it it rising or setting as compared to when it is high up in the sky? I was walking back a few hours ago and I noticed the almost-full moon hovering 45 degrees from the horizon. The colour was an intense yellow, the shadows so much more noticeable than usual. The darker clouds, roughly a V shape framing the glowing circle above, against a lighter background of the sky and a darker silhouette of trees in front gave an amazing 3D effect of layers upon layers, playing with light and dark and shadows. The moon seem to be glorified and everything surrounding it seemed so unified and beautiful. I thought of taking out my camera out once I got back to my room, but I forgot about it till now, when it is too late to capture that perfect picture of nature in its most wondrous settings.

I have to get up in 3 hours for a full day of classes so I'd better head off to bed now.