Tuesday, October 14, 2008


It's very inconvenient indeed to not have a computer. Especially when I need to use it quite a bit. I need to prepare two presentations for the public speaking workshop in college by this saturday. My computer had tons of pictures I could put in, unfortunately the computer is lying somewhere waiting for the technician to take a look at it. I can prepare the slides in college but I cannot practice the presentation beforehand. =( Furthermore, assignments are coming up, and a lab report needs typing. It's a chore to have to constantly use the college's computers. I am being internet deprived. I really doubt the people in the computer center have even diagnosed the problem. That's after sales service to you. Before sales services are awesome, but after sales services (or lack of) can really drive you up the wall. Phone calls with "We also don't know.. have to wait for this and that and this and that and that it's with 'them' not with 'us', so just wait wait wait." Waiting is so freaking exasperating!!

A lecturer of mine had an interesting outlook on the human pesona to share. He said (the gist of it) that humans are made up of 2 parts. One part is hardworking and the other is lazy, and if we leave nature to run its course, the lazy portion will eat away at the harworking part until it takes over, and the hardworking pesona is no longer there.

Somehow, that just conjures up pictures of pacman in my head.


orange said...

interesting persona.. but i would prefer to think that procastination and lazyness is men's worst chronic disease. it infects everyone like a plague~~ haha

Meiyi said...

lol contagious too? :P