Thursday, October 16, 2008


The day feels just right for contemplating in the heavy silence of solace. Like a strangling mist, an intangible feeling blankets my mind. Smile a little, chatter a little, while inside the feeling wrangles and tangles and chokes. And yet I cannot place a finger on the reasoning behind it. I have no idea what causes this emptiness of being so surrounded by people yet so alone at the same time.

This picture has a certain melancholic beauty about it. Merging feelings of sadness with peace through the lighting and the shadows and the dark casting of a silhouette, it transports me to a place of reflection. I guess that sorrow does have a tinge of splendor to it in spite of its sombre settings.

The skies have been pouring in the evenings, and are followed by chilly nights. A perfect setting for self inflicted blues. A walk in the night on empty streets with the cold wind and a quiet silence, so beautiful, so peaceful, yet so barren. Imagination is vast but reality is but one. Peaceful or depressing? Guess that's a mouthful up for the confused mind to decide.

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