Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We are only 0.1 % different

Our beloved K4 tutorial group. We may have changed in name, and we may be all different people of different personalities but no matter what, we are only 0.1 % different as all of us share 99.9% of the same DNA. Thumbs up to Nan En, former K4 who suggested this slogan as we were studying forensic biology in our final semester of the diploma year. Now in our third year (year one Advanced Dip), we wore the t-shirts we custom made, and took photos outside the library while waiting, and also after taking the official course/group photos.

How we have grown since year one sem one. I am indeed proud to be part of such an amazing group. I have found the greatest bunch of friends here. Love you guys!! =D

Bi Hun, Pay Jing, Leaf, Syn Dee, Hui Lu, Shi Wenn, Me, Tracey
Candid shot before the photo taking
We are united!
Haha, Tracey, the sun too strong for your delicate eyes? :P
Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No... its..... super K4-ians!!!! Ok, fine so we are in A3 now. But once a K4-ian, always a K4-ian. =D

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