The night air is still and the hostel grounds unusually silent. It's Saturday night and amidst the constant background hum of some insects, there is the quietness that chills the air further. Everyone is either out or back home, and here I am procrastinating tasks for another day. Sitting crossed legged till my feet turns numb, my mind rambles on in questions. I cannot read the minds of others, nor can I even grasp enough of my own thoughts to understand them. I am afraid of letting myself fall into a place that I swore I wouldn't ever go again, but I feel it creeping up, and I cannot stop the cascades of thoughts. An abyss near impossible of getting out of once you've fallen in. And there you are standing at the cliff, and someone tells you that beyond the chasm there is a whole new world that will open up to you, if only you take that plunge. And you stand there thinking, is it a door to possibilities or is it just a deep hole that will suck out all the emotions left in you? That leaves you wandering around, a lost soul, hollow to the bone, chills upon chills, broken and empty. A place you fought so hard to leave, locking them away in the recesses of your mind. Are you going to let it resurface and open it up again? In a different situation, in a different circumstance. But no one knows, would the outcome too be different? Or would history repeat itself, dark and turbulent, crashing upon the shores of your thoughts and tearing you apart? I cannot predict the future, and neither can you.. but would you take that chance?
They say you test the waters first before you go in. But what if the waters are down there below the hundreds of feet that you have to fall through first? Would you? Or would you hold back and wonder, wonder when later down the road, if you've missed the opportunity?
But now, standing there on the cliff, you wonder, is this an opportunity, or is this plain stupidity? Jumping down the cliff might just be exactly as it looks, suicidal. Perhaps the thoughts are merely thoughts, and thoughts are just imagination concocted by your over-imaginative mind. But maybe, just maybe, you are not alone.
A new beginning where life rises from the ashes. Where uninspired-ness have prevented writing, with hope that inspiration can be drawn and life would be propelled towards a new dimension brought about by the power of imagination.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Nocturnal instincts create stubbornness of staying up and typing another post
When you meet someone for the first time do you spend time after that wondering what sort of impression you made? What if I talked too much? What if I talked to little? What if the things I said were weird? What if I had odd habits that I don't even know about? What if I sounded stupid? What if I was an extreme bore? What if I came off as too self centered? What if I spoke too loud? What if this and that?
They say... you never get a 2nd chance to make a good first impression.
Damn scary. I was intimidated. I still am.
They say... you never get a 2nd chance to make a good first impression.
Damn scary. I was intimidated. I still am.
Intricacies of life
Ever wondered if things happen merely by chance, or is it by fate? Ever wondered if every decision you make is the beginning of the road that has already been set, that the only thing that you have within your power is to choose which road to take, when all the different journeys are already panned out based on every turn and every choice that you make. I remember amidst all the panic when Tracey got temporary amnesia from the knock she received during the basketball game once, that whenever we give same answers to her repeated questions, she will reply the same thing. But if we were to give different answers, her reply will be different. It set me thinking. Are we all somehow subconsciously preprogrammed to actually do a certain action or say a certain something under a certain situation instead of having that so called free will and free mind to choose? I was just wondering if even in the process of "choosing" are we merely making a "choice" that is intrinsic to our nature? That even if we spend less time worrying and less time mulling and less time thinking, we would subsequently make that decision because that is simply, fate. Do you believe in fate? What is fate? Is it merely a superstition or can it be theoretically sound? What if fate is not a belief but it is just like a computer programme of chessmaster. Where millions (more, for our brains) of strategies are formulated for every sort of situation, and is constantly improving and upgrading with the environmental stimulus. And whenever a problem is faced, all the integration is done up there in our minds, and the decision of action made is based on the information stored and the strategies pre-formulated even before the actual situation arises. What if in our brains right now are all those strategies that we never even consciously think of before, ready to rise to action should the situation call for it. Just like our army of white blood cells. Constantly at vigilance, alert and ready to fight. Perhaps our minds are just like that too.
I didn't plan to pen this post about another one of my theories. :P I meant to write about something else but my fingers tend to have a will of their own. Sometimes it feels like information goes straight to my fingers even before going through my thoughts, they come out on paper, or in this case on the computer screen, and I only digest the things I write out after they have presented themselves to me. I wonder if other people are like that.
I meant to write about well, fate. yes. Have you ever just stood back a moment and suddenly think how amazing it is that somehow by chance you know the people that you know. I seldom think of that, but today suddenly it just pops up in my mind. In the recent few weeks, I have met many new people. People that I would never have met otherwise. By chance or by arrangement, perhaps it is by fate. Suddenly, I remember by previous roommate on the first day we met and became roommates two years ago. I remember she was saying something like how lucky she feels because we would not have met and became friends any other way, and it is just coincidentally that we have been assigned the same room. She might have meant something else, as my mandarin was really half past six then, but I remember that was the idea that I got from her. Now, two years after, it comes back to me. We are lucky, every person that we meet along the way. Every addition to our lives. I believe that everyone we know, no matter if we know them well, or if we just chanced by them, somehow someway they have made an impact big or small. I remember reading something somewhere saying that the people in this world are like interconnected strings in a musical instrument. When one is strummed somewhere, the rest of the string hums in resonance. Somehow we are all affected by what's around us and perhaps what you do will change a life. You'd never know. Perhaps the person you just knew today would end up being the person who means the most to you. Perhaps the person you accidentally knocked into would end up being someone you would need to depend on. Perhaps the nicest person you know now will turn around and stab you in your back. Can you predict the future? Can you predict the people? Minds are impossible to understand especially when the heart part of the mind comes into play. Emotions are what makes humans human. But it is also what causes the most powerful change and impact in mankind. It is through the strongest emotions of love and hate that the world is shaped as it is. Even the most realistic, clear mind is constantly clouded by emotions. And the odd thing is, what controls our emotions are our minds. Linguistically, people tend to separate the mind and the heart. But biologically, hearts just pump blood throughout the body. Yet, I find one odd thing to happen when I am really upset or emo. It tends to hurt somewhere near the heart. I'm not sure if it is just all in the mind, or that one feels so hurt mentally that the anguish transforms to a physical pain that one can almost feel literally. Perhaps it is because that does not come to pass so physical to our pain receptors, and that is why many people resort to hurting themselves when the pain in their minds is so great. Maybe its because if feels like real physical pain will numb the pain inside, and maybe override it. I think it it something with the stress hormones that make people who are emotionally unstable to withstand a lot more physical pain than usual. Why then can one cut oneself? Would you do that when you are happy? It would be very difficult to do so. Even if you are sadistic by nature.
I honestly don't know where my fingers are taking me to today. There are lots of things in my mind that are churning itself. In awe, in wonderment of the intricacies of life. And I wonder, really wonder. If I just sit here in my room typing this, would it ever somehow someway make a difference. Would a click of the mouse, a sentence said, a new friend made, a hello, a goodbye, an sms, a phone call, an email, how much can a small gesture make a difference?
Think about it. Have you ever gotten a hey how are you doing? i miss u! msg when you are feeling emo and suddenly the world seems brighter? Who knows maybe if you feel like getting in touch with someone, just do that instead of leaving it to another day.. and you would never know how much that could actually turn things around.
I really don't know how fate works. Or if that fate exists. But I believe that somehow someway it does exist and the complexity of it makes us less of a robot with a preprogrammed destination but more of a flexible versatile being that is changeable by the outside world and yet amazingly fate also plays its part in the different pathways laid out to us, perhaps with laid out journeys, intertwined and interlocking. Perhaps. Just perhaps.
I didn't plan to pen this post about another one of my theories. :P I meant to write about something else but my fingers tend to have a will of their own. Sometimes it feels like information goes straight to my fingers even before going through my thoughts, they come out on paper, or in this case on the computer screen, and I only digest the things I write out after they have presented themselves to me. I wonder if other people are like that.
I meant to write about well, fate. yes. Have you ever just stood back a moment and suddenly think how amazing it is that somehow by chance you know the people that you know. I seldom think of that, but today suddenly it just pops up in my mind. In the recent few weeks, I have met many new people. People that I would never have met otherwise. By chance or by arrangement, perhaps it is by fate. Suddenly, I remember by previous roommate on the first day we met and became roommates two years ago. I remember she was saying something like how lucky she feels because we would not have met and became friends any other way, and it is just coincidentally that we have been assigned the same room. She might have meant something else, as my mandarin was really half past six then, but I remember that was the idea that I got from her. Now, two years after, it comes back to me. We are lucky, every person that we meet along the way. Every addition to our lives. I believe that everyone we know, no matter if we know them well, or if we just chanced by them, somehow someway they have made an impact big or small. I remember reading something somewhere saying that the people in this world are like interconnected strings in a musical instrument. When one is strummed somewhere, the rest of the string hums in resonance. Somehow we are all affected by what's around us and perhaps what you do will change a life. You'd never know. Perhaps the person you just knew today would end up being the person who means the most to you. Perhaps the person you accidentally knocked into would end up being someone you would need to depend on. Perhaps the nicest person you know now will turn around and stab you in your back. Can you predict the future? Can you predict the people? Minds are impossible to understand especially when the heart part of the mind comes into play. Emotions are what makes humans human. But it is also what causes the most powerful change and impact in mankind. It is through the strongest emotions of love and hate that the world is shaped as it is. Even the most realistic, clear mind is constantly clouded by emotions. And the odd thing is, what controls our emotions are our minds. Linguistically, people tend to separate the mind and the heart. But biologically, hearts just pump blood throughout the body. Yet, I find one odd thing to happen when I am really upset or emo. It tends to hurt somewhere near the heart. I'm not sure if it is just all in the mind, or that one feels so hurt mentally that the anguish transforms to a physical pain that one can almost feel literally. Perhaps it is because that does not come to pass so physical to our pain receptors, and that is why many people resort to hurting themselves when the pain in their minds is so great. Maybe its because if feels like real physical pain will numb the pain inside, and maybe override it. I think it it something with the stress hormones that make people who are emotionally unstable to withstand a lot more physical pain than usual. Why then can one cut oneself? Would you do that when you are happy? It would be very difficult to do so. Even if you are sadistic by nature.
I honestly don't know where my fingers are taking me to today. There are lots of things in my mind that are churning itself. In awe, in wonderment of the intricacies of life. And I wonder, really wonder. If I just sit here in my room typing this, would it ever somehow someway make a difference. Would a click of the mouse, a sentence said, a new friend made, a hello, a goodbye, an sms, a phone call, an email, how much can a small gesture make a difference?
Think about it. Have you ever gotten a hey how are you doing? i miss u! msg when you are feeling emo and suddenly the world seems brighter? Who knows maybe if you feel like getting in touch with someone, just do that instead of leaving it to another day.. and you would never know how much that could actually turn things around.
I really don't know how fate works. Or if that fate exists. But I believe that somehow someway it does exist and the complexity of it makes us less of a robot with a preprogrammed destination but more of a flexible versatile being that is changeable by the outside world and yet amazingly fate also plays its part in the different pathways laid out to us, perhaps with laid out journeys, intertwined and interlocking. Perhaps. Just perhaps.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Freaked out
I took a bus back today after being scared out of my wits by horror stories of people getting chopped up and raped and murdered by taxi drivers. After my heated encounter with one horrid, reckless driver who ripped me off by almost 100% the fare with his lousy played-with meter, I became a paranoid wreck. It doesn't help when everyone takes gleeful delight in filling me with those nasty tales. I was TERRIFIED when I came back today, late at night, alone. I don't know why, but the insides of me were just freaked out, and I somehow felt like I sensed a presence in the misty fog that enveloped the air. The footsteps were only mine, but it was like in the shadowy grey of the bushes at the sides of the road hid unspeakable horrors.
I had to walk the 20 minutes back to my room from where the bus stopped. The chill of the late night wind and the frogs croaking and the hum of insects as an aftermath of rain was like from the spooky scenes in a horror movie, that builds suspense to a more vengeful side of the evilness of the world. Moreover, the moon was almost fully round, and it was around sixty degrees from the horizon, either rising or setting, large and deep yellow, almost orange. The shadows on the moon could be seen clearly. The silhouettes of leaves and branches were cast on the walkway and spontaneously, my heart just started beating quicker than it usually would. I was scared of the late night sky, and the freakiness of the atmosphere. Suddenly a "WOOI!" out of nowhere making me jump! Damn, just some guys in a passing car.
I managed to reach my room safe and sound. In time for a midnight cold shower in the silent hostel bathroom with rows of empty cubicles and a row of large mirrors against the white sinks.
I know it's not sensible, it's psychological. I am typing all of this in the dark right now, as my roommate is sleeping. It's 2.16 am right now (disregard "time of post", I don't know what time they're using, its not msian time)
I had to walk the 20 minutes back to my room from where the bus stopped. The chill of the late night wind and the frogs croaking and the hum of insects as an aftermath of rain was like from the spooky scenes in a horror movie, that builds suspense to a more vengeful side of the evilness of the world. Moreover, the moon was almost fully round, and it was around sixty degrees from the horizon, either rising or setting, large and deep yellow, almost orange. The shadows on the moon could be seen clearly. The silhouettes of leaves and branches were cast on the walkway and spontaneously, my heart just started beating quicker than it usually would. I was scared of the late night sky, and the freakiness of the atmosphere. Suddenly a "WOOI!" out of nowhere making me jump! Damn, just some guys in a passing car.
I managed to reach my room safe and sound. In time for a midnight cold shower in the silent hostel bathroom with rows of empty cubicles and a row of large mirrors against the white sinks.
I know it's not sensible, it's psychological. I am typing all of this in the dark right now, as my roommate is sleeping. It's 2.16 am right now (disregard "time of post", I don't know what time they're using, its not msian time)
Friday, May 23, 2008
You wouldn't believe it.
Meiyi did not sleep last night because....
Ah yes. Meiyi watched Man U vs Chelsea battle it out in Luszniki Stadium in Moscow, while sipping apple + orange and also watermelon juice at some makan place at wangsa which was open throughout. They had the big screen and the sports channel was projected on it.
believe it. I watched football. And I enjoyed it! haha
Unbelievable, doesn't that sound? Football and me doesn't really come hand in hand. But I admit, it was fun =) I guess I finally realised why ppl can go crazy when that ball goes into that net. I never knew the excitement of this little ball you kick around. Now I know hehe
Another note for my observation eye. EVERYONE was rooting for Man U!!! Haha cheers all around when the goalkeeper made the SAVE of the penalty that gave the win to MANCHESTER UNITED!!! whoopee! haha can't help being caught up in all the excitement too! =)
Ah yes. Meiyi watched Man U vs Chelsea battle it out in Luszniki Stadium in Moscow, while sipping apple + orange and also watermelon juice at some makan place at wangsa which was open throughout. They had the big screen and the sports channel was projected on it.
believe it. I watched football. And I enjoyed it! haha
Unbelievable, doesn't that sound? Football and me doesn't really come hand in hand. But I admit, it was fun =) I guess I finally realised why ppl can go crazy when that ball goes into that net. I never knew the excitement of this little ball you kick around. Now I know hehe
Another note for my observation eye. EVERYONE was rooting for Man U!!! Haha cheers all around when the goalkeeper made the SAVE of the penalty that gave the win to MANCHESTER UNITED!!! whoopee! haha can't help being caught up in all the excitement too! =)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Young Entrepreneurs Award - 13th May 2008
The very next day after I came back from London, I had to focus on the Young Entrepreneurs Award competition. I was very worried about being tired and jet lagged and all, but the good news was that I wasn't. In fact, amusingly, at the competition itself, Eric looked more tired than I was. He attributes that to missing his afternoon nap, and how the hype of competitions drains energy as it uses up adrenaline. Makes it sound almost like a sport.
YEA is a business plan writing competition that has 3 rounds. Honestly, in the beginning the only thing that captured my interest was the attractive grand prize of RM 10,000 and a trip to Hong Kong to participate in the regional finals with other countries! And the subsequent prizes were pretty good too. Three top teams win trips to Hong Kong (but only the gold winners get to compete) and cash prizes! My eyes were all filled with $$ signs. Damn materialistic I'm turning haha.
The first submission was way back in december last year, where we had to submit a business idea. The task was simple. A 1000 word essay which just needs to be emailed. Little did we know how much work the next submission was going to be. Suddenly we found ourselves having to complete an actual business plan that is feasible and viable in the commercial market. We had to do market analysis, financial statements, risk analysis and all sorts of business stuff that we really do not know how to do. In fact, before this, I had no idea what a business plan really meant.
Nevertheless, I took this as an opportunity to learn what would, I believe, be extremely useful in the future. Round 2 came at a perfect time, the deadline to hand in was march, and I had the whole month of in February for my semester break. It was Chinese New Year then, and so I went back home to KK. The first week was of course the typical traditional chinese new year celebrations and the next few weeks was all about the business plan and preparing for the public speaking competition. I sacrificed almost my whole semester break pouring through books, reading things up online, researching, and asking people for advice. It took a whole lot of effort and work and time just to get a few pages done. I flew back to KL for the new term at the end of the month, and the first week of the term was madly rushing to complete the business plan. I was so agitated because it wasn't complete and there were holes and glitches here and there. Eric and I spent sleepless nights just to make everything fall into place. Finally after the last minute panicking and rushing, we finally got everything together and submitted it in by hand. I breathed a sigh of relief and also feel quite a sense of accomplishment when I got the sms from Eric saying that he has handed in the 10 copies of the business plan as required. Finally, the hardest part of the competition is over.
We had no idea if we would be able to get through to the next round. We have worked very hard but we really don't know where our standard is simply because there is nothing for us to compare it too. I am a science student majoring in chem and bio. Eric is a pure law student who doesn't even know the concept of assets and liabilities (well I think he does now :P) But we crossed our fingers. Eric, the excited one was really hyped up about it. I, on the other hand, the calm one, was just waiting for the results.
And when the news came that we got to the finals, I was ecstatic! I knew the timing was really tight, since I had my final exams then there was the public speaking and straight after is the YEA finals. It's a good thing that the last round was not as time consuming as the 2nd. This time around we had to give a business presentation. Which worked really well. We co-ordinated well as a team and the presentation went well. My brain was not frozen the way I thought it would be, so I was quite happy with that.
Before the competition, testing out the equipment
That was a good start. Eric speaks
Now Meiyi speaks
Bronze prize winner: Capital Youths Enterprise
Team Epsilon
Extreme Bros
Silver Award - we are going to HONG KONG!!!

Their trophies look really good! =)
YEA is a business plan writing competition that has 3 rounds. Honestly, in the beginning the only thing that captured my interest was the attractive grand prize of RM 10,000 and a trip to Hong Kong to participate in the regional finals with other countries! And the subsequent prizes were pretty good too. Three top teams win trips to Hong Kong (but only the gold winners get to compete) and cash prizes! My eyes were all filled with $$ signs. Damn materialistic I'm turning haha.
The first submission was way back in december last year, where we had to submit a business idea. The task was simple. A 1000 word essay which just needs to be emailed. Little did we know how much work the next submission was going to be. Suddenly we found ourselves having to complete an actual business plan that is feasible and viable in the commercial market. We had to do market analysis, financial statements, risk analysis and all sorts of business stuff that we really do not know how to do. In fact, before this, I had no idea what a business plan really meant.
Nevertheless, I took this as an opportunity to learn what would, I believe, be extremely useful in the future. Round 2 came at a perfect time, the deadline to hand in was march, and I had the whole month of in February for my semester break. It was Chinese New Year then, and so I went back home to KK. The first week was of course the typical traditional chinese new year celebrations and the next few weeks was all about the business plan and preparing for the public speaking competition. I sacrificed almost my whole semester break pouring through books, reading things up online, researching, and asking people for advice. It took a whole lot of effort and work and time just to get a few pages done. I flew back to KL for the new term at the end of the month, and the first week of the term was madly rushing to complete the business plan. I was so agitated because it wasn't complete and there were holes and glitches here and there. Eric and I spent sleepless nights just to make everything fall into place. Finally after the last minute panicking and rushing, we finally got everything together and submitted it in by hand. I breathed a sigh of relief and also feel quite a sense of accomplishment when I got the sms from Eric saying that he has handed in the 10 copies of the business plan as required. Finally, the hardest part of the competition is over.
We had no idea if we would be able to get through to the next round. We have worked very hard but we really don't know where our standard is simply because there is nothing for us to compare it too. I am a science student majoring in chem and bio. Eric is a pure law student who doesn't even know the concept of assets and liabilities (well I think he does now :P) But we crossed our fingers. Eric, the excited one was really hyped up about it. I, on the other hand, the calm one, was just waiting for the results.
And when the news came that we got to the finals, I was ecstatic! I knew the timing was really tight, since I had my final exams then there was the public speaking and straight after is the YEA finals. It's a good thing that the last round was not as time consuming as the 2nd. This time around we had to give a business presentation. Which worked really well. We co-ordinated well as a team and the presentation went well. My brain was not frozen the way I thought it would be, so I was quite happy with that.
Bronze prize winner: Capital Youths Enterprise
Their trophies look really good! =)
All in all it was a really good experience, and I made new friends too =) Now I am going to retire from competitions for the time being. It IS exhausting. Looking forward to Hong Kong in June!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
11th May 2008 - Day 6 - 12 May 2008 Arrival in KL -- Fastest time ever (least number of hours) for two days
Last day in London. Well, not actually a whole day. Basically I woke up and flew back to Malaysia. I was so paranoid about waking up late and missing the plane that I woke up in the middle of the night just to check the time. The funny thing was that my phone was still set to Malaysian time while my watch was London time, and it was my phone that was on the bed and the watch far far away on the table. It was too tiresome to walk all the way to the table to check my watch so I had to like do calculations in my head. "12.45pm minus 7" to get the time. It was so weird! Imagine me in my sleepy state doing math in my head just to know the time.
Goodbye Premier Inn.
The short stay was really very comfortable, even though it was difficult to get there.
Took a bus to the airport which was "right next to" the hotel. I got there early, despite my paranoid-ness. No I am not going to miss my flight, I breathe a sigh of relief after I checked in, problem-free. After checking in and going through security, I had to give up my sole bottle of drinking water, and even take off shoes for scanning! Then I shopped at a duty-free store and basically spent the rest of my allowance. I had so much left over from the days before, I was so proud of myself for spending so little in a city so tempting for shopping. Alas, with the duty free store + sourvenir store, the rest of my allowance was GONE. haha. I even got myself a T-shirt! Not one of those famous I heart London tho =p But a really unique (or at least I thought so, I might be deadly wrong) nice one with purple words "London" and "UK" sequined.
Hanging around the airport stores, the signs and words on cigarette packets amused me. Perhaps since the TAK NAK campaign has failed back home, they should try something like this.

Took photos in the plane of the journey from London to Malaysia.
It was not a full flight, so I got a whole row to myself! I could curl up with a blanket and 3 pillows. =) It was so cool, they showed the map and the journey the plane takes as if flies from London to Malaysia. Suddenly, I was absolutely fascinated by the geography of it (very surprising, I remember being absolutely delighted to discard the subject after form 3 when it wasn't offered in my school for upper secondary).
It was due to meeting so many people from all over the world. I noticed the places that the rest came from as I flew over Europe and other parts of Asia. Suddenly, these foreign countries had faces linked to them, as I recalled new friends and new faces and new names to these countries. No longer is the world huge and strange and foreign.For once, I had truly and international experience, even though all I went to was one city for less than a week. Nothing more can be more invaluable and more enriching than this.

And this is breakfast. Haha. Breakfast at dinner time London, breakfast time Malaysia.
Dawn came really fast too.
My batteries ran out just as I reached KL. Pity, couldn't get a sharp photo. Wanted a snapshot of KLIA as the last photo, but oh well. Note to the rest of you Malaysians: I never really appreciated it till now but KLIA is a really nice airport. Especially if you compare it to where I left from. =p
Home sweet home. I'm supposed to feel sleepy right now, but apparently, I don't get jet lag. Tried to close my eyes to sleep on the journey in the van back to the hostel but I couldn't sleep! Oh well, my eyes see the sun and I guess it told my body its not sleeping time!
Went back to the hostel. Unpacked. Washed clothes. Met brother for lunch then went off to look for Eric. Had to prepare for tomorrow's competition! It is now 12th May 2008. Young Entrepreneur's Awards finals tomorrow!!
The short stay was really very comfortable, even though it was difficult to get there.
Took a bus to the airport which was "right next to" the hotel. I got there early, despite my paranoid-ness. No I am not going to miss my flight, I breathe a sigh of relief after I checked in, problem-free. After checking in and going through security, I had to give up my sole bottle of drinking water, and even take off shoes for scanning! Then I shopped at a duty-free store and basically spent the rest of my allowance. I had so much left over from the days before, I was so proud of myself for spending so little in a city so tempting for shopping. Alas, with the duty free store + sourvenir store, the rest of my allowance was GONE. haha. I even got myself a T-shirt! Not one of those famous I heart London tho =p But a really unique (or at least I thought so, I might be deadly wrong) nice one with purple words "London" and "UK" sequined.

Goodbye Heathrow
Took photos in the plane of the journey from London to Malaysia.
Twilight came really quickly in the plane. I just woke up in the morning
not long ago, and now its dusk =p
Sunset from the plane. =)
not long ago, and now its dusk =p
Home sweet home. I'm supposed to feel sleepy right now, but apparently, I don't get jet lag. Tried to close my eyes to sleep on the journey in the van back to the hostel but I couldn't sleep! Oh well, my eyes see the sun and I guess it told my body its not sleeping time!
Went back to the hostel. Unpacked. Washed clothes. Met brother for lunch then went off to look for Eric. Had to prepare for tomorrow's competition! It is now 12th May 2008. Young Entrepreneur's Awards finals tomorrow!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
10th May 2008 - Day 5
The day after the competition. Today, I checked out of President Hotel and moved my stuff to Premier Inn in Heathrow. I was told it was "right next to the airport." When I reached the airport, I found out I had to take a bus! Lesson learnt. In London when they say right next to, it is really really far away. Like how Singapore is "right next to" Malaysia. The bus ride costs a bomb! 4 pounds one way. That amounts to a total of 16 pounds!!! sob sob
English tea. Last meal together with the rest of the participants =) It's a nice photo.
Nicholas from Denmark. =) He sat on my right at breakfast and was in front of me during the finals at the US Embassy. A really nice guy =)
Goodbye President Hotel
We passed this beautiful picture at the window of a painting shop along the streets. I couldn't capture the art in a photograph though :( unfortunately.
And... a LAMBORGHINI!!!!!! Not one! A whole showroom of them!!!! This is just a photo of one. =D =D =D Mine! mine! mine! MINEEEEE!!!
Next we saw "free admissions!" It was an exhibition in the british museum. We had half an hour to kill, so we went in, and ended up in the Europe section of I think the 17th - 18th century if my memory is not failing me. =p
In the museum:

Two manual Harpsichord FRENCH Paris 1681
The lights in the museum were ever so pretty. Again, my amateur photography does the real thing no justice.
I love this view. Especially the tree with no leaves, its dark branches sticking out majestically towards the sky, a sharp contrast to the greenery of the surrounding trees. The leafless tree just gives a feeling of melancholy amidst the ordinariness of its surroundings. Even T had something to say about that tree. He said the people who lived in the house behind that tree was so lucky. =) I know you're thinking, it's just a leaf-less tree, probably dying. But its not just a tree! It's the kind of ordinariness that extraordinarily stands out. Something an observant person would notice =p I have a tree like that back home in KK my home state of Sabah. An old durian tree (is it a durian tree?) that stands solemnly the whole year, most of the time barren. It did surprise us once though, when all of a sudden green leaves sprout out of nowhere. Never saw it bearing any fruit though. Anyway, back to London.~~~ Set against a backdrop of very English buildings, with a row of cars each on the dark grey asphalt stands 2 visitors, one from Thailand one from Malaysia. That's South Kensington on the afternoon of 10th May 2008!~~
Time to go back to Heathrow Airport. T checked in and then I left Heathrow Airport. Thanks so much for accompanying me =) It was really awesome hanging out.
Next stop, Leicester Square, Central London. Was to meet up with Adrian for dinner. Wouldn't have had the time if I had the homestay thing on. We went for dinner in Chinatown. Ironic as it sounds, I was in London for 5 days and I ate 2 chinese dinners!! After that I wanted to buy candies back. Adrian showed me a store and i bought almost 20 pounds worth of candies! I think he was quite amused by how I said the candies were "so pretty". i should have taken pictures of the candy store! Unfortunately I was too caught up with the colourful candies. You don't get stores like those here.
The city comes alive with lights! Note the Union Jack! The UK Flag! Proof that I WAS IN UK! =)
I tried to take photos of London at night. The city comes alive with all the lights and the awesome sights. Unfortunately, it's really hard to capture on camera. With flash I cannot see anything that is far ahead. Without flash it is too dark and I don't get much either.
This place actually looks awesome in reality. It just doesn't turn out as good in the photo. Ah well, I guess it can't be helped. I really loved the way the building curved from the front to the back. Perhaps if it was a day photo, that would have been a great photograph. If I am not mistaken (which I might be, I was kinda tired already by then) I was at Piccadilly Circus.
The red bus!! Trademark of London! =)
I saw a LIMO!!!! Can you see it? LOL I must really sound like I am from some ulu kampung (a.k.a. village). Haha but I have never seen a limo except in TV! =p
I was already getting very tired since I slept for around two hours only the night before. Plus all the traveling and spending like half the time in the tube, I was dead beat. Wanted nothing more than to go to that inviting bed in Premier Inn. It's a very nice place, especially compared to the previous accommodation =p And its purple =) Everyone who knows me well know I have a soft spot for anything purple. Hehe I like blue too, even better if both colours come together like the poster on the wall of the room.
Earlier in the day when I checked in they changed the room from a twin sharing to one with a nice big double bed as Faustina would not be staying with me. Of all the shopkeepers/receptionists that I met in London, the lady at the reception was most friendly. She looked Philipino, and it just reminded me of what Gian said in his speech, on how Philipinos are all over the world in the service industry, and that in President Hotel itself there were 5 Philipinos at the front desk. Well there were at least 2 here. =)
Anyway, I took the tube from somewhere when I saw the red and blue underground sign. I had to change line after one station and it was another hour before I reached Heathrow Terminal 3. From there, I had to take a bus. I walked out towards the bus station, and I forgot which bus I was supposed to take. So I just went to ask a driver who was already in the bus. "Are you going to Premier Inn?" He said yes, so I went on that bus. 4 pounds off my allowance.
The bus stopped at several places, some of them really grand. The last station was premier inn. I recognised the logo, but I thought, even in my half asleep state that it looked a little different. Perhaps its from another angle, I thought.
Alas, when I went in, it was much much much bigger than I remembered. Perhaps its in another wing I thought, in denial. I AM IN THE WRONG PLACE!!!! I even tried putting the card in the slot in front of the elevator. Obviously it wouldn't work because I am in a different Premier Inn!
So I went to the reception and stupidly said "I think I am in the wrong Premier Inn." The guy at the front desk asked me which premier inn am I supposed to be. I told him (2nd stupid statement) "A smaller one." Hahahahaha He looked at me and courteously said, "but you have to tell me which because there are 2 other premier inns." (3rd stupid statement) "I don't know which, but it's a smaller one." He rephrased his answer. lol. Then I realised I had the booking slip printed out with the address in my backpack (thank goodness!). I took it out and gave it to him, and asked how do I get there. He said I had no choice but to take a cab. There was a phone on the wall right next to me, so I took it up. I had no idea where I am. I just knew I was in the wrong, and grand-er Premier Inn. I asked the receptionist quizzically where I was, and I couldn't make out what he was saying. So I passed the phone to him, as I could not possibly call a cab when all I knew was that I was in one of the branches of the premier inn and its the 'bigger one'. He helpfully called the cab and I then went towards the door to wait for the cab.
It came soon enough and it was quite a drive to the RIGHT Premier Inn. I recognised it the moment I reached. The cab stopped, and I looked for a meter, but there wasn't one. The driver did not tell me how much it was. I was feeling very very very sleepy at that moment already and so here comes stupid statement no 4 "Is it free?" LOL yeah right like any cab in the WORLD is free. "No ma'am", says the cab driver ever so politely, "that's 11 pounds." Urghhh. There goes my allowance again. 11 pounds!!! Back home I could have a buffet dinner in a five star hotel!!!
Oh well. At least I was back. No pictures at this time of the day. I was really too tired to remember to take any. The bed looked so inviting. After the quickest shower imaginable and all the usual brushing teeth and all I practically jumped into bed. The room was nice, the bed was really really nice. Which made up for all the mix up with transport. Softly I drift off to slumberland. My last night in London. The city that will remain fondly in my memory for as long as I live =)
Had the last day of the exact same English breakfast. I am getting sick of the same thing everyday. I mean the food is nice, for the first day. And it's ok the second. But the 3rd, 4th, 5th!!!! OMG. I have had enough. Just one piece of toast and juice is more than enough for me. LOL.
Upon checking out of the hotel, I was waiting in the lobby with T for Ms Amy who so kindly insisted to accompany me to Premier Inn so that she can make sure I am settled in. While waiting, we talked a bit to Patricia who left shortly, and also to Tom who was waiting in the lobby after checking out. T was so nice as to say he'd accompany me to Heathrow earlier even though his flight was later at night. =) Thus I wouldn't be going around on my own.
We stopped by at a nearby Tesco before going to take the Tube. I saw butterscotch yogurt! I have never seen a yogurt flavoured butterscotch in my LIFE. LOL.
So I bought that, 3 cookies and 2 scone-like things which I forgot what they were called. Then we began our journey to heathrow. Random photos were taken in the train as we went along.

I took this photo of the advertisement about their broadband because I noticed something. It cost 7.50 pounds per month. Convert that to Malaysian Ringgit and it is CHEAPER THAN STREAMYX!!! And I thought everything in London costs more. Internet costs one pound for 10 minutes. Haha which Malaysian would fork out almost RM40 for an hour in a cyber cafe?!! It's like RM2. Or at most RM2.50. haha unless you are desperate and in another country maybe =p
Took this as we waited a few minutes for the next train. I thought the pigeons were really nice to look at =) We had to get down for a moment and board the next train that came because the one we were on did not go to terminal 1,2 or 3.
After the meal we decided to just randomly stop at stations since we couldn't possibly go back to central London. Well, we could, but it would be silly to go all the way back, walk around for ten minutes and go back to Heathrow. We stopped at Hounslow West and Central.
Went down and I had to pay a couple of pounds every single time, because apparently my oyster card (one week travel pass) was only for zone one and two, and I am now in zone 4, 5, and6. It was more village-like there, as it was slightly towards the outskirts of London.

Lady at the booth told me not to buy the cherries that I was eyeing because they were expensive this time of the year.

The houses here are all so nice and English! =) Lovely! I love the brickwork. Back home its all plastered and bricks are only seen when the buildings are in construction.
Our next stop was Acton Town. T declared it was all too boring being out of the city, so we decided to travel more towards the city center. We decided on South Kensington. As we alighted from the train, we found ourselves... IN THE CITY!!!! Awesome! Haha. We walked around for awhile and got COOKIES =) =D =) I have been looking for them cookies for ages! Wanted to get some back to Malaysia. Went to the store and bought a bag of them to bring back. Then had one myself, they served it with ice cream.
No I did not have two. Haha the other one was T's. =) T had triple chocolate cookie and vanilla ice-cream. I'd like to have the triple chocolate, but he took the last cookie lol. First time having TOFFEE ice-cream, with a cookie some more! =) My cookie was double chocolate.
Walking along, T said that he felt guilty for downing too many calories. I looked at him and laughed. "You're worried about calories?" I have never seen someone his size worried about calories. He wisely revealed that he used to be a chubby kid. Haha. I remarked that I would love to see photos of him when he was a kid. Probably one of the cutest kid in his class then =p Maybe even now wahahaha
We stopped by at a nearby Tesco before going to take the Tube. I saw butterscotch yogurt! I have never seen a yogurt flavoured butterscotch in my LIFE. LOL.
I found this sign hilarious. It is between two moving trains. Risk of death indeed.
I took this photo of the advertisement about their broadband because I noticed something. It cost 7.50 pounds per month. Convert that to Malaysian Ringgit and it is CHEAPER THAN STREAMYX!!! And I thought everything in London costs more. Internet costs one pound for 10 minutes. Haha which Malaysian would fork out almost RM40 for an hour in a cyber cafe?!! It's like RM2. Or at most RM2.50. haha unless you are desperate and in another country maybe =p
Unfortunately, I really did not expect everything to take so long. By the time I checked into Premier Inn and went back to Heathrow Airport where T was waiting, it was already around 2+pm. I felt kinda bad, sorry T! Ms Amy went back to President Hotel where she was going to meet her son, who stays in London. T and I could not go back to the city, as he had to be back in the airport by seven to check in 2 hours at least before his flight at 9.30pm. We decided that lunch was of absolute importance right at that moment. So lunch it was! Surprisingly, we found this nice restaurant in the airport, and the prices were around the same as what I had back in that restaurant in Russel Square (the green pasta meal).
We went for the jacket potatoes for lunch, which were HUGE potatoes and also coincidentally, one of the cheapest meals on the menu. We both agreed that potatoes this size do not exist back in our home countries. =p
After the meal we decided to just randomly stop at stations since we couldn't possibly go back to central London. Well, we could, but it would be silly to go all the way back, walk around for ten minutes and go back to Heathrow. We stopped at Hounslow West and Central.
Next we saw "free admissions!" It was an exhibition in the british museum. We had half an hour to kill, so we went in, and ended up in the Europe section of I think the 17th - 18th century if my memory is not failing me. =p
In the museum:
The streets of South Kensington:
Time to go back to Heathrow Airport. T checked in and then I left Heathrow Airport. Thanks so much for accompanying me =) It was really awesome hanging out.
Next stop, Leicester Square, Central London. Was to meet up with Adrian for dinner. Wouldn't have had the time if I had the homestay thing on. We went for dinner in Chinatown. Ironic as it sounds, I was in London for 5 days and I ate 2 chinese dinners!! After that I wanted to buy candies back. Adrian showed me a store and i bought almost 20 pounds worth of candies! I think he was quite amused by how I said the candies were "so pretty". i should have taken pictures of the candy store! Unfortunately I was too caught up with the colourful candies. You don't get stores like those here.
After that Adrian had to go back to his studies, so I was left to wander around the streets of London for awhile before heading back. I don't really remember where I went. I know I walked around Piccadilly Circus and Tottenham Court Road, and basically just wandered around looking at the buildings and the streets and the people. Many stores were already closed as it was getting late. I noticed that the stores were basically the brands we get back home in the shopping malls. Nothing truly new. The famous double decker red bus and black taxis were of course abundant. I stepped into a souvenir shop whose store still looked open and the shopkeeper told me "sorry ma'am we are closing". Another comparison. Back home, shopkeepers will lure you into their stores even when it's closing time so they can MAKE MORE MONEY!!! Hahaha.
I was already getting very tired since I slept for around two hours only the night before. Plus all the traveling and spending like half the time in the tube, I was dead beat. Wanted nothing more than to go to that inviting bed in Premier Inn. It's a very nice place, especially compared to the previous accommodation =p And its purple =) Everyone who knows me well know I have a soft spot for anything purple. Hehe I like blue too, even better if both colours come together like the poster on the wall of the room.
Earlier in the day when I checked in they changed the room from a twin sharing to one with a nice big double bed as Faustina would not be staying with me. Of all the shopkeepers/receptionists that I met in London, the lady at the reception was most friendly. She looked Philipino, and it just reminded me of what Gian said in his speech, on how Philipinos are all over the world in the service industry, and that in President Hotel itself there were 5 Philipinos at the front desk. Well there were at least 2 here. =)
Anyway, I took the tube from somewhere when I saw the red and blue underground sign. I had to change line after one station and it was another hour before I reached Heathrow Terminal 3. From there, I had to take a bus. I walked out towards the bus station, and I forgot which bus I was supposed to take. So I just went to ask a driver who was already in the bus. "Are you going to Premier Inn?" He said yes, so I went on that bus. 4 pounds off my allowance.
The bus stopped at several places, some of them really grand. The last station was premier inn. I recognised the logo, but I thought, even in my half asleep state that it looked a little different. Perhaps its from another angle, I thought.
Alas, when I went in, it was much much much bigger than I remembered. Perhaps its in another wing I thought, in denial. I AM IN THE WRONG PLACE!!!! I even tried putting the card in the slot in front of the elevator. Obviously it wouldn't work because I am in a different Premier Inn!
So I went to the reception and stupidly said "I think I am in the wrong Premier Inn." The guy at the front desk asked me which premier inn am I supposed to be. I told him (2nd stupid statement) "A smaller one." Hahahahaha He looked at me and courteously said, "but you have to tell me which because there are 2 other premier inns." (3rd stupid statement) "I don't know which, but it's a smaller one." He rephrased his answer. lol. Then I realised I had the booking slip printed out with the address in my backpack (thank goodness!). I took it out and gave it to him, and asked how do I get there. He said I had no choice but to take a cab. There was a phone on the wall right next to me, so I took it up. I had no idea where I am. I just knew I was in the wrong, and grand-er Premier Inn. I asked the receptionist quizzically where I was, and I couldn't make out what he was saying. So I passed the phone to him, as I could not possibly call a cab when all I knew was that I was in one of the branches of the premier inn and its the 'bigger one'. He helpfully called the cab and I then went towards the door to wait for the cab.
It came soon enough and it was quite a drive to the RIGHT Premier Inn. I recognised it the moment I reached. The cab stopped, and I looked for a meter, but there wasn't one. The driver did not tell me how much it was. I was feeling very very very sleepy at that moment already and so here comes stupid statement no 4 "Is it free?" LOL yeah right like any cab in the WORLD is free. "No ma'am", says the cab driver ever so politely, "that's 11 pounds." Urghhh. There goes my allowance again. 11 pounds!!! Back home I could have a buffet dinner in a five star hotel!!!
Oh well. At least I was back. No pictures at this time of the day. I was really too tired to remember to take any. The bed looked so inviting. After the quickest shower imaginable and all the usual brushing teeth and all I practically jumped into bed. The room was nice, the bed was really really nice. Which made up for all the mix up with transport. Softly I drift off to slumberland. My last night in London. The city that will remain fondly in my memory for as long as I live =)
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