Friday, February 20, 2009


In 19 hours, I would be flying off to Sydney. It's not until I'm about to leave when I realise what I mean to people. I guess all those emo-ness in the past is really not something justificable.

I shall sorely miss my dear dear friends. They made the past near 3 years the best years of my life yet. I love you guys.

It took almost forever to clear my stuff out of my room. One bag after another of black garbage plastic bags were thrown out, and countless shoe boxes. =p Now that everything's packed (or at least I know which bag things are going to go to tomorrow) it's a relief, and I am exhausted.

It's been a busy busy busy 4 days in KL.

The odd thing is that I'm neither excited nor apprehensive. I just feel very tired. It has been a lovely semester, pretty much stress free and worry free yet productive enough to keep me content. Most of all, it has been a semester of really having that feeling of appreciation for the wonderful friendships I have with people around me.

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