It's ironic how everytime 14th Feb comes around, I'll see people with depressingly lonely personal messages on their msn. If only all these lonely people came together.. how perfect that would be, and no one would be lonely! (how come that turns out sounding sarcastic?)
Of course perfect is never real x_x but I don't get what's the deal with all these depression during valentine's day. If valentine's day is about love, then it's all around us. Watch the smile forming around the corners of someone's lips.. listen to a peal of laughter across the room.. hear the concern in different inflection and tone in a friend's voice when you need someone to talk to... feeling relieved when someone helps you when you can't do something... spending your precious time doing something for someone... having your friends organise a party for you... even having a kind word to brighten up your day... they're all signs of love.. love is all around us..
So what if you haven't got plans for today? I don't have plans either but you don't see me complaining. =p I am so content =D =D and happy.
Oh, and random as this might sound, I just tried to dye red streaks in my hair at home, but the dye turned out to be way too dark, you can't even tell that it's dyed. =( There goes my brilliant red streaks. Experiment failed.
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