Thursday, April 24, 2008

Termite swarms

Today, swarms of termites came into the hostel. It has never happened in the 2 years that I have been living here. They swarm towards the light, in a thick frenzy. My roommate and I switched off the lights so that the termites would fly outside to other light sources, then we closed the door and the windows and flipped the lights back on. But the desperate creatures were still getting in through tiny slits at the bottom of the window sills and cracks through the sides of the door. It looked like one of those horror movies where insects turn evil and are coming to eat up your soul and will stop at no cost to get to you. It reminded me of home. KK, my house next to the jungle. Where termite swarms will invade the house seasonally and lose their wings (gave us absolute shock the first time it happened, just the few nights after we shifted in).

Suddenly I had the urge to find out more about them.

So with the wonders of the internet, I googled it... and I found:

These termites swarm at mating season.. they come together in a swarm, are attracted to light, lose their wings, find their partner, and start a new colony.

Nature is really intricate. The termites unite seemingly from nowhere. And in perhaps 30 minutes, we don't see any of them in sight anymore. It was like they suddenly appeared, then suddenly disappeared. Tells me that there is so many things that we don't know about this world. That phenomena so common to these creatures are actually not common knowledge to us. Haha I used to think they come into the house to die, as their wings drop off. Lots actually end up dying in the process. I don't know why yet. Perhaps more read up would tell me.

It is, however extremely late. Gotta get up early to go to college to sign some document before it is faxed out. I didnt study =(

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