Tuesday, June 3, 2008

From a drizzle, to sunshine to torrential storms

It rains every single DAY!! I have had it, I think basketball and me just aren't fated to be =p It's either I FORGET to go till they wanna go back, or when I do go there in time, there are just too many people to play. Ah well, I'm lousy at it anyway.

It's raining again right now. Night has fallen and I am in my hostel room, slacking. My biochemistry lab manual and half done practical report and graph is sprawled all over my desk, but I just don't feel like completing the task at hand. Watching the angry flashes of lightning against a reddish grey sky and listening to the ferocious drumming of huge raindrops upon the windowsill, my mind wanders off.

In the dryness and comfort of my room, a melody long forgotten plays itself in my head. Ghost of you and me "Watching the candle flicker out in the evening glow, I can't let go. When will this night be over?". I don't have the song in my comp, its quite an old song, and I can't find the cd that has this song, perhaps its back home in kk. Yet its sadness seems to go perfectly well with the melancholy of today's skies. I you-tubed the song, and there it is. While waiting for the song to load with my every unstable internet connection, the lines play over and over in my head and my tongue sings along softly.

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