Monday, June 9, 2008

In college

Almost everyone went to replace stereochem/kinetics practical today as today's biochem's lab session has been cancelled. I am not in the mood to listen to one hour of talk and 2 hours of mixing noxious chemicals that probably is insidiously killing me. So I am in the CITC (comp center) right now, with the ever so slow connection. Need to print some "proof" to be able to apply for leave for next week. Hong Kong!!! Hong Kong!!! Hong Kong!!! hahahaha

My internet has been horribly mean to me =( For the past two days I could hardly go online. Today I am relatively free, so I am for once going to be doing all my work and FINISHING them instead of further procrastination. If I set my mind to something I can actually finish it relatively fast. The only problem is I always tend to wander around when the situation isn't pressing.

I'm bored. I think I would go and print the documents now and then go back and sleep. Erm I mean go back and complete the lab reports and assignment. haha maybe a bit of the former first though. x_x

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