Friday, June 13, 2008

When can you let go of insecurities?

"You are what you are.. be proud of it. When you start thinking like that, you'll be a better person. A person who doesn't always compare." These words are repeating themselves in my mind. Yeah I know, the same friend who told me for a different situation under different circumstances that "Who cares? What matters is who you are. Who you are. Remember that."

I recall one of dad's favourite phrases in chinese "ren bu ke yi gen ren bi". Translated it means you cannot compare one person to another. There is a second part to that saying, which I forgot. I guess I would have to ask and edit this entry soon. Anyway, everyone is different, and we all have our strengths and weaknesses. So don't compare yourself with someone else, or compare two different people. I do acknowledge this, but as confident as I might seem to people who don't know me, the truth is, I am the exact opposite sometimes. Looks can be deceiving so never judge a book by its cover. In my head, my alter ego still screams "I don't think you are good enough."

I wonder if I can somehow draw the confidence from within myself. I admit, I am hesitant. Not because I don't know what I want, but because I really don't wanna screw things up this time around. I am afraid because I can't read minds. A science student is meticulous about evidence and less so with intuition. Pseudoscience, that is what is is scoffed as being. Feelings, intuition, reading minds. They are all so uncertain, so unfamiliar. I am tentatively going to test the waters. I hope I don't get eaten by a shark.

1 comment:

orange said...

everything will be fine... no worries...
n btw, ur being tag!!! =P