Monday, December 1, 2008

I have your heart in my hands

Physiology lab is refreshingly fun lately. A few weeks ago, we dissected chicken hearts. Then we get to play doctor-patient with real equipment. Last week, we tested our own urine. We went to collect the samples with beakers. It was really amusing. I didn't want my camera to get contaminated with erm waste products, so there's no pictures of the urine tests =p. Nevertheless, did my own mini health check, and everything seems just fine. =) Which is reassuring as I have never had a medical check up.

You know the phrase I have your heart in my hands? Take it literally.
This is a real syringe, no joke.
Finding the vein on Mr Adam's hand is much harder than it looksFinally, after many many failed attempts (poor Mr Adam!), I finally drew "blood"!!! Whoopee!

Had to take this pic rather discreetly
Dr Lim and patient Fred. Is your blood pressure within the normal range?

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