Sunday, July 27, 2008

Meiyi is high - on 21% oxygen 0.03% carbon dioxide

Highs and lows consume so much energy. They say that when something is on ground state and it gets excited, it will fall back to ground state sooner or later because it is more stable. Thus, theoretically, my instability will spontaneously tone down in due time and I will once again be stable.

And yet they say that everything in this world tends towards a state of disorder. Would that not be conflicted with the first theory? Disorder = not stable. Thus, theory two applied says that I will not spontaneously tone down the instability but spontaneously will be propelled towards further exponential growth of instability. I can just imagine a graph for it.

According to Aristotle, the moral way is the "jalan tengah" which means moderation. Since I do things in extremity, under the moral analysis of personality virtues, I am immoral.

I laugh to myself quite often. Normal observation and deduction leads to a conclusion of insanity.

My post is having so many academic connotations. I think its guilt in my subconscious that's telling me to hit the books.

I am conflicted. I hate politics. No, I'm not talking about our nation's politics, I'm talking about small scale community politics. Politics with the people around us. Politics with cash matters. Politics with name matters. Politics that just get you so freaking sick of it, you just wanna say "it's nothing to do with me," and thus you get branded irresponsible. Not enough? I'm sorry, I'm not the one to judge. I can't be nice all the time, I'm sorry if it makes me look bad. The real world is not a fairytale. I was told years ago, only lately I'm starting to see the truth of it.

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