Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Swollen feet

Yesterday something bit my foot, somewhere near my small toe. This morning, I woke up with my right foot the size of a baby elephant's and unimaginably red. What insect could have bitten me till this amount of swelling can take place? It looks the way it did when I sprained my ankle several months ago, minus the ankle swelling of course. I can hardly bend my foot, and I FELL down the bloody stairs in the admin block today. And I don't mean trip and almost fell. I mean REALLY falling like how little kids accidentally stumble and fall when they're learning how to walk. =( Imagine my rock-heavy file flying out of my grasp, my hands automatically flinging out to break my fall and my knees slamming into the steps in front of me. Ouch. To make matters worse, I just so happened to be wearing a skirt today. It's so embarrassing. I don't know how that happened, I was walking UP the staircase! Ever heard of falling UP? Luckily no one else saw me but one member of the staff and she didn't laugh. Reminds me of form 4 and 5, where I slipped and fell down the stairs countless times. Gosh, my motor co-ordinations are getting out of whack again. It's a sign of lethargy. Lack of proper sleep. Or, a new word I learnt today: malaise. It's not pronounced ma-lai-ase as the lecturer said. Its me-lez!! Add that word to your vocab, its a French derived word, meaning a general out-of-sorts feeling.

The RM250 cheque made me feel tons better though. I am getting so materialistic. x_X

Lots of stuff to complete before the night is done. I have been eating way too many egg sandwiches for my meals. Just had one for dinner just now. Now gotta get back to work. Have some presentation slides, a lab report, a letter and also a chapter to revise.

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